Sharing the joy, comfort and healing power of our pets' unconditional love

Meet Lucy


Lucy's Biography

Lucy, a charming Labrador, was initially a foster dog from a Lab rescue group. During the fostering process, Lucy's affectionate nature healed her foster parent's heart, and she just had to keep her. Lucy's favorite activity is cuddling! She adores snuggling close and sharing warmth, making it her most cherished pastime. As a Labrador, Lucy loves all kinds of food, but string cheese stands out as her absolute favorite. Among the funniest things about Lucy are her zoomies. When excited, she spins in circles rapidly, often changing directions midway, creating quite a spectacle. In one word, Lucy's personality is "love." This special dog is trusting and embodies pure unconditional love and affection, brightening up the lives of everyone she meets.