Sharing the joy, comfort and healing power of our pets' unconditional love

Meet Cooper


Cooper's Biography

Let me tell you about myself and how I got my name. My human sister had a very clear idea in mind: she wanted a male Golden Retriever puppy and decided my name would be Cooper even before I was born. I came from a litter of 13 puppies and was adopted from a breeder into a loving family. One of my favorite activities is sneaking off with something I am not supposed to have, like the TV remote, a pair of pants, or a bag of chips. I love parading around the dining table with my "treasure" until someone notices me. Attention is my middle name! Neighborhood walks are my absolute favorite, and I am lucky to live in a place where kind people give me treats. It is like Halloween every day! Meeting new people is always a joy, and I am thrilled to be part of Love On 4 Paws.